We are bombarded with images of rail thin models with porcelain skin and are told that is beauty. We are shown images of 6'2" men with blond hair, blue eyes, and muscles the size of Jupiter and are told that is what a man is supposed to be. We are told that to be of worth, we have to be honor roll students, the cut-throat business person, the most popular kid at school, the all star athlete, have the newest car and best clothes.... the list can go on for eons and sadly, we begin to believe them. We forget the wonderful qualities God gave us and we let those false images prevent us from achieving the dreams we have for ourselves.
I have personally experienced this in my life, and I let it ruin me. I was miserable. Who wants to wake up every morning and say, "WOW! I am so sad, I am not handsome, I have no value, I probably will never find a beautiful girl to marry, I probably will fail my math test today... I'm so excited!"
No one, right? How does that make you feel to think that way? Terrible, right? You are NOT alone, we are here to fight together!
I had thought I was the only one who felt this way and that all the other guys I was comparing myself with didn't ever feel this way! Then God blessed me with a really amazing learning opportunity. I was in my new student ward, amazed at how it was full of really amazing people, including those stereotypes I compared myself with. I found myself wondering, that dude is everything I wished I was, why isn't he married?
I sat there with a girl I had been dating, just pondering. Then the last hour of church rolled around for Priesthood and half way through the lesson one brave and sincere man just shared his doubts and concerns. He said, "Hey, can you help me, guys? Right now I just feel so empty, and I'm not feeling it." Then all of the men just poured their hearts out to this man, saying how they understand, how they all are struggling too, how they worry they won't find someone to marry, their careers won't take off, etc.
It hit me right there. No one is immune to those negative influences of the devil. It affects us all, rich or poor, physically fit or less so, smart or not. I also learned from that moment, WE do not have to feel that way, we do not have to feel like we are alone in feeling this way. Heavenly Father knew we would experience these feelings so He gave us each other. Satan is the one who uses fear and thoughts of being the only one to keep us from reaching out to one another.
So I suggest we break that chain of fear, doubt, and discouragement. Let's stand up and share with one another the light we have and realize WE are children of light, children of God. He is there guiding us to one another to shed those chains so we can live in peace and joy. Who said we can't live our dreams, who said we aren't handsome or beautiful? Because honestly WE ARE. God sees us as all the most wonderful things in all eternity, so let's live up to HIS expectations, stop comparing ourselves, and learn to love ourselves.

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