Sunday, September 8, 2013

How long can we let the soul Starve?

                            How Long can we starve?

We all know that we love and need food to satisfy our bodies, and in the world there are a lot of good and wonderful things to eat. I am partial to most Indian and Thai foods, I love a good steak and breads oh my goodness do I love breads.
  Since I've become Gluten intolerant i have had less of the breads and grains but i still am able to enjoy the Indian and Thai cuisine. But for a long time , while on my diet, I felt like i was starving, i wondered why? I had been eating foods, alot of rice, vegetables and meats, but no breads, no cake, no deserts really those are all the bad things for our bodies right?

I was doing some research on bread, and have come to know that bread is the staple of life in the world, many countries have their own unique version of bread , in most 1st and 2nd world countries we have pre-made and packaged breads, but in some second and most 3rd world countries bread is made everyday. It is fresh and is always placed on the table. it is always there. They would starve with out bread.

AHA! was the thought process, i had been starving of the most instinctual staple of humanity BREAD!
but the bigger meaning entered into my mind. Lately I had been starving for more important bread, ...

I've been starving for the peace that the Gospel of Christ brings. There are those out there with many varying beliefs, but i know of none that promises the same quality and peace that the Gospel of our savior Jesus Christ brings into our souls. I also know that he has restored his church , through his power, and His authority for US! He loves US!

He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for YOU, and died on the cross for YOU, and rose again on the third day, so WE might live again.

OK now you can continue.

I had been not been doing the things that keep me completely nourished . I had not done enough of the good things  to become malnourished in the essential vitamins and minerals of the spirit. I Had been eating metaphysical snickers and donuts instead of my veggies and meats.  I'll be honest not forgiving your friends and not reading your scriptures as dilligently can make you malnourished

How many of you have felt that? how many of you have felt wasted, and spent? How many of you claim you Don't know why?

I had a friend tell me so very wisely , not knowingly of course, the best thing i could hear.
He said, usually when i feel blue or down its because i haven't repented of something, be it yelling at a friend , or something more serious.  the moment he said this i knew it was right.

WE need to go to the lord to be forgiven, so WE can move forward with the joy and Light he meant for us to have!

I know he loves us, more than we will ever comprehend, i mean he paid for us, HE BOUGHT OUR FREEDOM, that's a lot of freaking love y'all! Come unto him and be made whole!

- T

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Never appologize for being you!

Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional .... story of my life. I get a big smile out of this, I think our world is understanding people better, and how we function , think, act , love and feel. there has been a stereotype of what a man and woman should be.
Men: the typical man, is still believed to be, tall, angular faced, rough , outdoorsy, addicted to sports and doesn't know how to communicate or be domestic.
Women: tender, flowing of emotions, subtle , quiet, fragile, and sensitive. timid, homemaker , all things lacy and porcelain.

well how many of us truly fit into that category?  maybe a portion but certainly not all.

I have come to know, that there are many different types of masculine and femine. I believe inherently that being male and female are important and masculinity and femininity are important. But i feel what isn't so important is the way our unique masculine and feminine is expressed.

I will use me as an example. I am very soft , even my physical features are soft, i am not a tall super athletic, man, i enjoy sports but I don't run my life around them. I love a good chick flick , long talks about life, romance, i learned how to crochet while serving a  mission for my church , cooking is great. I do cry at sentimental things,  I rather enjoy pinterest. Along with other manly things, i ride horses, i farm and do yard work but I am not seen in the worlds eyes as the typical man. I would judge this part of my life harshly . I felt as though i weren't something of value. or would ever have my place in the world. i would bee.... looked down on.

then i was introduced to a new way of thinking about myself. ... namely who's to say i am less than just because i don't fit into that mold?  I think that i would make a great husband and father.I imagine my wife would like me to be able to connect with her on how to cook a certain food or in fact if the "sliced cucumber " wall paint looks good or not. I have learned to love who I am , i am more emotionally available for other people including my future wife, and children.

In turn you must take that same philosophy , Love who you are , it doesn't make you any less of a person. God knows who you are and loves you for that so you might as well love yourself too!

If you area  get it done kind of woman, GREAT! don't change you still are a wonderful expression of feminine and we NEED you in this world! IF you are a sensitive , detail ,emotion oriented man, Awesome we need you too!

Lets change this thinking and I believe we will see a change in how we feel about ourselves and interact as a world.